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Modern Detached by Coffey Architects

2017 11 14 modern detached 1280 w1280h960

Modern Detached (Hertfordshire), recently named joint-winner of the Individual Housing Development category of the Brick Awards, was designed by Coffey Architects. View the Winners' Gallery here

The use of brickwork both within and without has done much to enhance the quality of this project. A nice piece of design, which is uncompromisingly modern and a creative response to the brief: a pleasing addition to the neighbourhood.

The palette of materials used here resonate with those of the immediate environment and it is nice to see the brickwork taken inside the building to provide some much needed warmth.

The quality of brickwork is good, particularly given the use of handmade bricks and the detailing of the projecting fins, which has been cleverly handled.

Conamar acted as the brickwork contractor using Anglian Light Grey bricks by WH Collier.

View the Winners' Gallery here